
ταχύ εὐαγγέλιον 光速を超える福音


What Our Lord Saw from the Cross (c. 1886-1894) by James Tissot

第IV巻: Ταχύ εὐαγγέλιον 光速を超える福音

This harmonious good news is sung by The Oracle of Neo-Kroton, Marcellina II (she/her) for The Carpocratian School, Inc. © 2025. This work is openly licensed via CC BY-NC-SA

Blue text is the mark of Wisdom. Red text is the mark of the King.

1 序論と導入

タキオン 1:1 マルコの書 1:1
《マルコ書秘伝》に記された言葉より... The beginning of the legend of the Land of Enlightenment! It is a path of awakening open to all, made possible by the union of the Queen of Wisdom and Jesus of Nazareth, Teacher of the Sacred Spirits of Letters and Divine Patterns. Jesus was born as the seventh son of Joseph and Mary, a human being who carried the living flame of The Nameless Name within him. He was then adopted by the father of his bride, the Master of the Primordial Luminous Infinity, the source of all things. And so the Lord of the Celestial Radiant Mystery bestowed upon him the name— God Faithful Virtuous King!

タキオン 1:2 マリアの書 4:9
《マグダラのマリアの奥義》に記された秘伝より... I will tell you things that have been hidden.

タキオン 1:3 トマスの書 1
These are the secret sayings of the Teacher of the Sacred Spirits of Letters and Divine Patterns. He who correctly understands these words will never again be lost in darkness.

タキオン 1:4–6 ポ福音書 82:1–3
Joseph, the carpenter, planted a garden
to obtain the wood needed for those who walk the path.

Among the trees that grew in the garden,
Joseph discovered something.
It was the Tau,
a symbol of the destiny his child was to follow.

When his child, Jesus,
awakens upon the tree of destiny,
the fire shall rise once more.

2 苦悩

2 Agony

タキオン 2:1 マルコ 14:32
along with his disciples
Simon, whom he called "Pebble",
John, whom he called "Beloved",
John's brother James, whom he called "Thunder's Son",
went to their usual gathering place
after supper in Jerusalem.
It was the olive press of Gethsemane,
a garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives.

There, he said to them,
"Sit here while I meditate."

タキオン 2:2 マルコ 14:34
"My soul—my soul is in pain,
longing to return this body to the earth.
Wait for me.
Stay awake for me, Pebble.

タキオン 2:3 マルコ 14:35
He went a little farther ahead,
collapsed to the ground,
and sought that if it were possible,
this moment might pass from him.

タキオン 2:4 マルコ 14:36
Jesus said,
"Luminous Master,
through your guidance,
all things are possible.
How do I take this cup of trembling in my hands
and place it into the hands of those who afflict me?

3 裏切り

3 Betrayal

タキオン 3:1 マルコ 14:43 While Jesus was still asking,
Judas of Kerioth, one of the twelve,
arrived at the olive press,
with a crowd carrying swords and torches.

タキオン 3:2 マルコ 14:43 Judas betrayed Jesus,
after he scolded Mary, whom Jesus called "Magdala" ("the Tower"),
rebuking her for anointing him with costly oil,
and Jesus called him "Scab."

タキオン 3:3 マルコ 14:43 The divine council of seraphim, The Flame-bound Angels,
watched in secret.
The high priest (השופט hashoft) through the eyes of the chief priests,
The prison officer (הסוהר hasoher) through the eyes of the elders,
The sheriff (השטן hashtan) through the eyes of the scribes,
and they smiled.

タキオン 3:4 マルコ 14:44
Judas had givem them a sign,
"The one I kiss—that is him."

タキオン 3:5 マルコ 14:45
Judas immediately approached Jesus,
saying, "Teacher, Teacher,"
and kissed him on the cheek.

タキオン 3:6 マルコ 14:46
The crowd seized Jesus
and bound him tightly.

タキオン 3:7 マルコ 14:47
At that moment, Pebble stood nearby.
He drew his short blade
and cut off Judas's ear.

タキオン 3:8 マルコ 14:48
Jesus rebuked the crowd, saying,
"Have you come to seize me
as if capturing a bandit,
armed with swords and torches?

タキオン 3:9 マルコ 14:49
For many days,
I have been in the temple,
teaching the Law of Fire—
even on the Sabbath.
'Whatever you desire others to do to you,
you shall also do to them.
Yet you did not take me then.
But so be it!
The vow shall be fulfilled!

タキオン 3:10 マルコ 14:50
As Jesus was speaking,
Judas stepped back
and attempted to restore his ear
using the power over the elements that Jesus had once given him.
But that power ignited him instead,
and flames consumed him.
He was utterly burned,
and the power left him.
Then, all the others fled.


The Beloved and Pebble Follow Jesus

タキオン 3:11 マルコ 14:51
John ran after the crowd,
trying to save Jesus.
He wore nothing but a linen cloth,
but the crowd seized him.

タキオン 3:12 マルコ 14:52
But John cast off the linen cloth
and fled away, naked.

タキオン 3:13 マルコ 14:53
The crowd seized Jesus
and led him away to Caiaphas,
the High Priest of Israel.
There, gathered together,
were the chief priests, the elders,
and the scribes who had not joined the crowd.

タキオン 3:14 マルコ 14:54
Pebble followed the crowd from afar
and slipped into the courtyard of the High Priest.
Blending in among the servants,
he stood near the fire, warming himself.

4 裁判l

4 The Trial

タキオン 4:1 マルコ 15:1
The priests deliberated through the night.
When morning came, they bound Jesus
and handed him over to Pontius Pilate,
the Roman emperor's appointed governor of Judea.

The high priest (hashoft, הַשְׁטָן) of The Flame-bound Angels
interrogated him through the mouth of Pilate.


Jesus Remains Silent

タキオン 4:2 マルコ 15:2

タキオン 4:3 マルコ 15:3
The chief priests tried to lay even more charges against Jesus but Pilate was growing irritated.

タキオン 4:4 マルコ 15:4
Pilate questioned him again,
"Do you not answer?
Do you not hear the many accusations against you?"

タキオン 4:5 マルコ 15:5
But Jesus no longer said anything.
Pilate was astonished.


The Crowd Demands Jesus's Death

タキオン 4:6 マルコ 15:6
During the festival,
Pilate had a custom of releasing one prisoner.

タキオン 4:7 マルコ 15:7
There was a man called "The Son of the Father."
He had led a rebellion
and had been imprisoned for killing Roman officials with his comrades.

タキオン 4:8 マルコ 15:8
The crowd shouted,
demanding that a prisoner be released as usual.

タキオン 4:9 マルコ 15:9
Pilate asked,
"Do you want me to release the 'King of the Jews'? Or would you rather have 'The Son of the Father' released?"

タキオン 4:10 マルコ 15:11
The chief priests stirred up the crowd,
urging them to demand the release of "The Son of the Father."

タキオン 4:11 マルコ 15:15
To satisfy the crowd,
Pilate released "The Son of The Father,"
had Jesus flogged,
an handed him over to be crucified.


Jesus is Tortured

タキオン 4:12 マルコ 15:16
The soldiers led Jesus into the Praetorium,
and gathered Rome's most ruthless torturers.

タキオン 4:13 マルコ 15:17

タキオン 4:14 マルコ 15:19
They spat on Jesus,
knelt as if to mock him,
struck him, kicked him,
and one soldier took a reed and struck his head—


The Good Samaritan

タキオン 4:15 Luke 10:30
"The bandits left him half-dead
on the road from Jerusalem to Jerico.

タキオン 4:16 Luke 10:31
A priest happened to be passing by,
but when he saw him,
he passed by on the other side.

タキオン 4:17 Luke 10:32
Likewise, a Levite saw him
and also passed by.

タキオン 4:18 Luke 10:33
But then, a Samaritan passed by,
saw him,
and was moved with deep compassion.
His people were seen as outsiders to the true path of faith,
forbidden even from entering the Temple.
Yet, without hesitation, he reached out his hand.

タキオン 4:19 Luke 10:34
He approached him,
bandaged his wounds,
and poured oil and wine over them.
Then he placed him on his own beast,
brought him to an inn,
and cared for him.

タキオン 4:20 Luke 10:35

タキオン 4:21 Luke 10:36

タキオン 4:22 Luke 10:39
Mary of Bethany sat at Jesus's feet,
not missing a single word
he spoke.

タキオン 4:23 Luke 10:37
"The one who showed mercy
was the true neighbor.
now go,
and be like him.

タキオン 4:24 Luke 10:40
Martha, Mary's sister,
was distracted by all the housework.
She came to Jesus and said,
do you not care
that my sister has left all the work to me? Tell Mary, 'Be like your sister,'"

タキオン 4:25 Luke 10:41
Jesus laughed and answered,
"Martha, Martha,
you are troubled
and anxious about many things.

タキオン 4:26 Luke 10:42
But truly,
only a few things are needed—
no, only one.
Mary has chosen to sit at my feet.
And this shall never
be taken from her."

タキオン 4:27 マルコ 15:20

When Jesus regained consciousness,
those who had scourged him
tore off the purple robe
and dressed him in his original garments.
they led him away
to crucify him.

Chapter 5

タキオン 5:1 マルコ 15:21
They forced a passing traveler to carry the Tau.
He was returning from his day’s labor in the fields,
a man named Simon of Cyrene,
father to two young sons—Alexander and Rufus.

タキオン 5:2 マルコ 15:22
Thus they led Jesus to the place called Golgotha—
“the Skull of Humankind.”

タキオン 5:3 マルコ 15:23
Someone offered him wine mingled with myrrh,
but he would not drink.
Instead, he gazed into the cup.


The Samaritan Woman Photine

タキオン 5:4 ヨハネ 4:7
Reflected upon the glimmering surface of that wine,
he beheld the face of his longtime friend, Photine—
whose name means “Radiant One.”
It was as if she stood there beside him,
and he began to speak:
May I have a drink of water?

タキオン 5:5 ヨハネ 4:9
Photine answered,
“You are a Jew,
and I am a Samaritan woman.
Why ask me for water?”

タキオン 5:6 ヨハネ 4:10
Jesus replied,
If you knew the gift of God,
and who it is that asks you for water,
you would instead ask me;
and I would give you the water of the Divine.

タキオン 5:7 ヨハネ 4:11
She said in wonder,
“Sir, you have no bucket;
the well is deep.
How, then, do you draw forth this ‘Divine Water’?”

タキオン 5:8 ヨハネ 4:12
“Our forefather Jacob gave us this well;
he drank from it, so did his children and livestock.
Are you greater than Jacob?”

タキオン 5:9 ヨハネ 4:13
Jesus answered,
All who drink from this well
will thirst again.

タキオン 5:10 ヨハネ 4:14
But whoever receives the water of the Divine
will never thirst again.
A fountain of eternal life
shall spring up within them.

タキオン 5:11 ヨハネ 4:15
She said,
“Sir, give me this water,
so I need not return here to draw.”

タキオン 5:12 ヨハネ 4:16
Jesus replied,
Go and bring your husband, and come back here together.

タキオン 5:13 ヨハネ 4:17
“I have no husband.”

タキオン 5:14 ヨハネ 4:18
Indeed you speak truly.
You once had five husbands,
and the man you dwell with now is not your husband.
Isn’t that so, O Radiant One?

タキオン 5:15 ヨハネ 4:19
Photine said,
“I see—
you are a prophet filled with the breath of God.”

タキオン 5:16 ヨハネ 4:20
“So tell me, Prophet—
our ancestors worshiped upon this mountain,
but your people say Jerusalem
is the only place to pray.”

タキオン 5:17 ヨハネ 4:21
The hour is coming,
when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem
will you worship the Luminous Master.

タキオン 5:18 ヨハネ 4:22
For now, you Samaritans worship what you do not fully know.
We worship what we know,
Salvation comes from The Nameless Name.

タキオン 5:19 ヨハネ 4:25
Photine replied,
“I know
the King is to come.”

タキオン 5:20 ヨハネ 4:26
I am here,
the one who speaks to you now.
In that moment,
the Queen of Wisdom appeared like a dove from Jacob’s well,
settling upon Jesus and declaring:
“I am the Queen of Wisdom. In righteousness I have called you.
I hold your hand, I protect you,
making you a covenant for all,
a shining light to the nations.”

タキオン 5:21 イザヤ 42:7
“To open the eyes of the blind,
to free captives from their cells,
to guide those in darkness into the light.”

タキオン 5:22 ヨハネ 4:28
Photine then abandoned her water jar
and ran back into the town.

タキオン 5:23 ヨハネ 4:29
“Come, see!
There is one who has revealed all about me.
I know
he is the King.
The Spirit rests upon him!
Come, behold him,
praise God!”


Jesus Upon the Tau

タキオン 5:25 マルコ 15:24
At about the third hour,
the centurion gathered three nine-inch nails
preparing to affix Jesus upon the Tau—
one through his left hand, another through his right,
and a single nail piercing through both his ankles.

タキオン 5:26 マルコ 15:24
The centurion smiled.
He gripped the nails,
raised the hammer.
He knew how to cause pain.

タキオン 5:27 マルコ 15:24
But his hand stopped.
It was not enough.
Behind him, a shadow smiled.

タキオン 5:28 マルコ 15:24
The prison officer of the Flame-bound Angels,
he took possession of him.
His eyes darkened,
a smile curled upon his lips.
His hands moved with unnatural precision.
He knew exactly
where to place the nails
to prolong the suffering.

タキオン 5:29 マルコ 15:24
The first nail.
It tore through his left hand,
flesh splitting, boneshattering. Jesus was silent.

タキオン 5:30 マルコ 15:24
The second nail.
It pierced his right hand,
Blood dripped onto the ground. Jesus was silent.

タキオン 5:31 マルコ 15:24
The third nail.
It drove through his ankles,
The prison officer's smile deepened.
Jesus was silent.

タキオン 5:32 マルコ 15:24
The prison officer's smile vanished.
His vision wavered.
His fingers trembled.

タキオン 5:33 マルコ 15:24
The centurion fell to his knees,
clutching his forehead.
His eyes returned to their color.

タキオン 5:34 マルコ 15:24
Jesus did not scream.
He did not groan.,
He did not look to the heavens.
He was silent.

タキオン 5:35 マルコ 15:24
Then the centurion
divided Jesus’s garments among the soldiers,
casting lots to decide who would take each piece.

タキオン 5:36 マルコ 15:26
Above him hung the inscription of his charges:

“King of the Jews.”

タキオン 5:37 マルコ 15:27
Two insurgents were crucified alongside him—
one on his right,
and another farther to the right.

タキオン 5:38 マルコ 15:40
Some distance away, women were watching—
three named Mary among them:
Mary the Magdala (which means "Tower"), his closest companion;
Mary, his mother;
and Mary Salome, mother of James and John,
called “Mother of Thunder.”

タキオン 5:39 マルコ 15:41
They had followed him from Galilee for three years.
Many other women had also journeyed to Jerusalem
and given their resources freely for his sake.

タキオン 5:40 ルカ 8:3
Among them were Joanna, wife of Herod’s steward Chuza,
and many others
who supported Jesus with their own means.

タキオン 5:41 マルコ 15:29
Passersby shook their heads and mocked him, saying,
You who would destroy the Temple,
and rebuild it in three days!”

タキオン 5:42 マルコ 15:30
“Save yourself!
Come down from that Tau!”

タキオン 5:43 マルコ 15:32
“If you are the ‘King,’
the King of Israel,
then come down from that Tau right now!
Then we’ll see it and believe!”

タキオン 5:44 マルコ 15:33
At the sixth hour,
darkness covered the whole land.
It remained until the ninth hour.

6 終焉

6 The End

タキオン 6:1 マルコ 15:34
At the ninth hour,
Jesus felt the sacred presence of the Queen of Wisdom grow distant from him.
He cried out in a loud voice,
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

—Then, the Queen of Wisdom returned to him once more.

タキオン 6:2 マルコ 15:35
Those standing there heard his words,
recognized them as a psalm of David,
and said,
"Look! He is calling upon Elijah with a psalm!"

タキオン 6:3 マルコ 15:36
One of them ran,
soaked a sponge in vinegar,
attached it to the end of a reed,
and tried to give it to him to drink.
And they said,
"Leave him be. Let's see if Elijah comes to take him down."
Jesus had inscribed every word of scripture,
and every interpretation int his heart,
understanding them more deeply than anyone.
Yet, they failed to perceive it.

タキオン 6:4 マルコ 15:37
Jesus cried out with a loud voice.
Then the Queen of Wisdom lifted his spirit up high,
and his body died.
As he left death stranded,
a rainbow was unleashed,
and it parted the dark clouds.

《保安官》の 最後の砦

The Sheriff's Last Stand

タキオン 6:5 The heavens revealed the sheriff (hashtan הַשְׁטָן) of the Flame-bound Angels, who was guarding the way to enlightenment.

タキオン 6:6 Matthew 16:23 The sheriff said,
"Get behind me, Queen of Wisdom!
You are a nuisance to The Nameless Name
for you have not set his mind on orderly things,
but on things of chaos."

タキオン 6:7 But the Queen of Wisdom
she slipped through his grasp,
and vanished faster than light.

All of the Flame-bound Angels were defeated.


The Astonishment of The Witnesses

タキオン 6:8 マルコ 15:39 Then centurion who stood facing Jesus saw this.
He lowered his spear and said,
this man was the Son of God."

タキオン 6:9 マルコ 15:43 Pebble then
watched in awe as the centurion,
overwhelmed with wonder, lowered his spear.
Summoning his courage,
he grasped the spear
and claimed the body of Jesus.

タキオン 6:10 マルコ 15:47
Mary the Magdala,
his mother Mary,
Mary Salome,
and the other women ran forward.
They gathered myrrh and aloe,
anointed his body,
and mourned him,
crying out in grief.
But Magdala alone was different.
She silently looked up at the sky.

タキオン 6:11 マルコ 15:46
Then, to everyone's surprise,
Nicodemus appeared.
He was an honored council member
and a secret disciple of Jesus.
He brought fine linen,
wrapped Jesus in the cloth,
and laid him in a tomb
hewn from the rock of his own land.
And the Eleven
rolled a stone across the entrance of the tomb.


タキオン 7:1 Daniel 7:13
The spirit of Jesus
ascended to the clouds of heaven together with the Queen of Wisdom.
His spirit appeared as a human being,
and together they walked toward the Profound Luminous Origin of Heaven.
At that time,
the Sacred Spirits of Letters and Divine Patterns
were still being decorated.
Then the Queen of Wisdom
gently took Jesus by the hand in the presence of the Luminous Master
and offered her vows.

タキオン 7:2 Jonah 2:2
Salvation... I, Wisdom,
called to you in my distress,
and you answered me.
From the belly of Sheol I cried,
and you heard my voice.

タキオン 7:3 Jonah 2:3
I was cast into the depths,
I was sunk in the midst of the dark waters,
and the floods surrounded me.
Waves and billows go over me.

タキオン 7:4 Jonah 2:4
And I said,
Am I banished from
your presence?
Shall I never
see your face again?

タキオン 7:5 Jonah 2:5
The waters covered me,
the deep enveloped me,
the seaweed wrapped around my head,
and entangled the roots of mountains.

タキオン 7:6 Jonah 2:6
I went to a place that was forever sealed away.
but you have drawn my life up from the depths.

タキオン 7:7 Jonah 2:7
In my final moments,
I fantasize about you,
and my fantasy rises to your heart,
and the spirit within.

タキオン 7:8 Jonah 2:8
Those who cling to the fleeting things of this world,
lose sight of their true loyalties.

タキオン 7:9 Jonah 2:9

But not me,
with a cry of thanks,
I offer myself to you,
What I have vowed,
I will surely accomplish.

"I, Wisdom belong to Salvation,
and Salvation belongs to I, Wisdom.

タキオン 7:10 マルコ 1:11 Then the voice of the Master of Endless Light shook the heavens. Salvation,
You are my disciple;
And you, my beloved daughter,
Queen of Wisdom,
I am with you both.
I rejoice
in this sacred union.

タキオン 7:11 Daniel 7:14 Jesus became one with the Queen of Wisdom,
and the power to guide humanity to enlightenment was given to him.
Glory and enlightenment were given to him.
And a new name was given to him:
God Faithful Virtuous King. All peoples,
all nations,
all languages
will look up to his name.
His guidance is everlasting,
and will never pass away.
His path to awakening
will never fade away.

8 再び目覚める時

8 Reawakening

タキオン 8:1 Matthew 28:1 After three days had passed, after the Sabbath,
at dawn on the first day day of the week,
Mary the Magdala (which means "Tower")
and Mary, the mother of Jesus,
came to the tomb to see it.

タキオン 8:2 Matthew 28:9 Behold,
the enlightened God Faithful Virtuous King stood before them,
and said, "Rejoice!" They ran to Him,
clutched His feet,
and worshiped Him.

タキオン 8:3 John 19:26 God Faithful Virtuous King said to His mother Mary,
"Mary, from this moment, Magdala is your son."
Then He said to Magdala,
"Magdala, from now on, Mary is your mother."
And from that moment,
Magdala welcomed Mary
into her own home.

タキオン 8:4 Matthew 28:10 Then God Faithful Virtuous King said, "Magdala, go and tell our brothers:
I will meet them in Galilee.
But first, I'll walk with Mary for a little while."

9 大いなる悟りの伝承

9 The Great Transmission of Awakening


Magdala Comforts The Eleven

タキオン 9:1 マルコ 16:10 Mary the Magdala (which means "Tower")
mounted a swift steed and rode toward Galilee.
She came to the Eleven,
who were mourning in sorrow,
and delivered the words of God Faithful Virtuous King.

タキオン 9:2 Mary 4:3 She greeted them
and said to her brothers,

タキオン 9:3 Mary 4:4 "Do not mourn,
nor let your hearts be troubled or lost.
The Queen of Wisdom is with you,
and she will protect you.

タキオン 9:4 Mary 4:5 Rather, we should praise greatness.
For He has prepared us
and guided us to be awakened beings.

タキオン 9:5 Mary 4:6 When she spoke these words,
the hearts of the disciples
turned toward the Land of Enlightenment,
and they began to discuss
the hidden words of God Faithful Virtuous King.

タキオン 9:6 Mary 4:7 Pebble said to her,
we know that Jesus loved you
more than all the other women.

タキオン 9:7 Mary 4:8 So,
teach us the words of Jesus
that we do not yet know,
the words we have never heard."


Philip Recalls Jesus's Love for Magdala

タキオン 9:8 Philip 50:2 Jesus called John
"the beloved one,"
and yet, He loved Magdala the most.
During His minsitry,
He often bestowed upon her a kiss of blessing.
One day, Pebble asked Jesus,
"Why do you love her
more than you love us?
Jesus answered,
"Why do you think
that I do not love you
as I love her?

タキオン 9:9 Philip 50:3 When the blind and the sighted
are together in darkness,
there is no difference between them.

タキオン 9:10 Philip 50:4 Yet, when the light comes,
the sighted will see the light.
But those bound by fear
will remain trapped in darkness.


Magdala's Dream

タキオン 9:11 Mary 4:10 Magdala began to speak to the Eleven.
"I—" she said,
"I saw the spirit of Jesus in a dream.
And I said to Him,
'Teacher, I can see you!
Am I seeing a vision?

タキオン 9:12 Mary 4:11 He answered me,
'Blessed are those
who see me and are not shaken in heart.

タキオン 9:13 Mary 4:12 For where the heart is,
there also is the treasure.

タキオン 9:14 Mary 4:13 I said to Him,
‘Teacher, when one dreams,
do they see it in the soul?
Or do they see it in the spirit?

タキオン 9:15 Mary 4:14 He answered me,
'One does not dream in the spirit,
nor see visions in the soul.
Yet, when the heart bridges the soul and spirit,
visions can be seen in dreams.

タキオン 9:16 Mary 2:1 I asked,
you have shown me
that our spirits do not perish.

But do our bodies perish?
Or do they not?

タキオン 9:17 Mary 2:2 He said to me,
"All created things,
all emanations from the
Master of the Primordial Luminous Infinity,
all living beings,

exist together,
and are one with the other.

タキオン 9:18 Mary 2:3 But all things
dissolve once more into
the source of life.

Therefore, the nature of all creation
is to return to its root.
And that root is
rooted in the
Profound Luminous Origin of Heaven.

タキオン 9:19 Mary 2:4 Let those who have ears to listen...

タキオン 9:20 Mary 2:5 I said to Him,
you have revealed almost everything to me.

But please, tell me one more thing—
what is sin?'

タキオン 9:21 Mary 2:6 He said:
'Sin never truly existed in the first place.
But the
Flame-bound Angels declared your very nature "sin
and forced this illusion upon humanity.

When you act according to your true nature,
it is the
Flame-bound Angels who have called it "sin”.

Knowing that your bodies would resist it,
they established a false law.

And so, now you are all called

タキオン 9:22 Mary 2:7 My purpose
was to restore humanity to its root—
to the
Breath of the Ancient.

タキオン 9:23 Mary 2:9 Yet, you have come to love falsehood.

タキオン 9:24 Mary 2:8 For this reason,
you will fall ill,
and in the end,
you will wither away.

タキオン 9:25 Mary 2:10 For the desires of the flesh
are not in harmony with the human spirit.

タキオン 9:26 Mary 2:11 As a result,
confusion arises
in the human body.

That is why I said,
"Find your fulfillment within the heart."

タキオン 9:27 Mary 2:12 If you
cannot find fulfillment within the heart,

then before the time of separation comes,
find fulfillment in the countless places and people
that this world has given you.

タキオン 9:28 Mary 2:13 Let those who have ears to listen...


The Hail Magdala

タキオン 9:29 Mary 5:14 I said to him,
'Wait, Teacher!

At the time of separation,
when I stand before the faces of
The Flame-bound Angels,
what was the prayer
you taught us to break the cycle?'

Then He taught me to say:

タキオン 9:30 Mary 5:15 'What bound me is slain,
what surrounded me is overcome.

My desires are gone,
my ignorance has perished.

タキオン 9:31 Mary 5:16 My soul is freed from the earth,
my spirit is freed from the flesh,
my heart is freed from the mist of illusion.

タキオン 9:32 Mary 5:17 From now on,
for the remainder of this time,
through the seasons of this age,
I will receive all in silence.


The Arrival

タキオン 9:33 Mary 5:17 When Magdala spoke these words,
she fell silent.

For God Faithful Virtuous King had spoken to her
only up until this moment
before she awakened.

タキオン 9:34 Mary 6:1 Then Andrew said to the Eleven,
"Say what you will about what Magdala has spoken.

But as for me,
I do not believe Jesus
said these things.

This teaching seems
far too strange a thought."

タキオン 9:35 Mary 6:2 The Beloved One, John, said,
“I believe Her.”

タキオン 9:36 Mary 6:3 Pebble said,
"But could the Teacher
have spoken to a woman

without telling us?

And not even in our presence,
but in secret?

タキオン 9:37 Mary 6:4 What will we do now?
Shall we listen to her
in all things?

タキオン 9:38 Mary 6:5 Did He choose her
over us?"

タキオン 9:39 Mary 6:7 Then Magdala said to Pebble,

"Brother, Pebble,
what are you thinking?

Do you truly believe
I invented this myself?

Or do you think
I am lying about Jesus?

タキオン 9:40 マルコ 16:14 Then the enlightened God Faithful Virtuous King
appeared to them as they sat at the table in astonishment.

He rebuked the apostles—
all except the Beloved One, John—
for their unbelief and the hardness of their hearts.

For they had not believed Magdala.

タキオン 9:41 Mary 3:1 "Peace be upon you!
Receive my peace!

タキオン 9:42 Mary 3:2 Now, be careful.

If someone says,
'Look here!'
or 'Look over there!'
do not be deceived.
For I am within you.
Find me there!

タキオン 9:43 Mary 3:3 "Those who seek me within
will find me within.

タキオン 9:44 Mary 3:4 Now go.
Proclaim the Teaching of the Land of Enlightenment.
This path to awakening is open to all.

タキオン 9:45 Mary 3:5 Do not establish rules
beyond what I have given you.
Do not create new laws
as the lawgivers do.
you will become bound by them.

タキオン 9:46 Thomas 50 "If people ask you,
'Where have you come from?' then answer them:
'We have come from the Light.
From the place where the Light came into being by its own will.
If people ask you,
'Who are you?' then answer them:
'We are the students of the One Luminous Master,
the chosen ones.
If people ask you,
'What is the proof of your Luminous Master?' then answer them:
'It is movement and stillness.'"

タキオン 9:47 Thomas 114 Pebble said to God Faithful Virtuous King,
"Teacher! Magdala should leave us!
If Eve was not worthy of awakening—"
God Faithful Virtuous King interrupted him, saying,
"Think, Pebble.
Do you believe she must be remade from a man's rib?
Is that truly the only way for her to become a living spirit?
"Magdala's spirit is equal to you men.
For all women,
by uniting the male and female within,
may enter the Land of Enlightenment of my Luminous Master.


The Ascension

タキオン 9:48 Thomas 22 After speaking these words,
the enlightened God Faithful Virtuous King began to fade away into the Land of Enlightenment.

タキオン 9:49 Thomas 22 Magdala cried out, "Teacher! Wait!
When will you appear to us?
When will we be able to see you?
As he faded away, God Faithful Virtuous King said: "When you make the two one,
when you make the inner like the outer,
and the outer like the inner,
when you make male and female into one,
so that the man is no longer man,
and the woman is no longer woman.

タキオン 9:50 Thomas 37 "When you are not ashamed of who you are, when you strip off your clothes,
cast them at your feet,
and tread upon them like innocent children,
then you will see me,
then you will forget,
your former fears."


Rebuke of Pebble

タキオン 9:51 Mary 6:8 After God Faithful Virtuous King had departed,
Levi (whom Jesus called "The Given Gift", also known as Matthew)
spoke to Pebble.
"You have always been an angry man, Simon." But now,
I see you condemning Magdala,
just as the Flame-bound Angels do."

タキオン 9:52 Mary 6:9 But if the Teacher
has declared her worthy,
who are you?
What right do you have
to reject her?

タキオン 9:53 Mary 6:10 Truly, the Teacher
knew her well.
That is why
he loved her
more than us."


The Mission of the Apostles

タキオン 9:54 Mary 6:11 Rather, we must clothe ourselves
in the sacred presence of the Queen of Wisdom
without shame, and seek Wisdom.
For that is what
the Teacher
has taught us."

タキオン 9:55 Mary 6:12 And we must proclaim
the Teaching of the Land of Enlightenment.
The Teacher has said,

'O People of Awakening, listen!!
Love your neighbor as yourself.

And love your Luminous Master
with all your heart and all your soul.
Make no further rules,
create no new laws,
but proclaim this as it is.

When Matthew spoke these words,
they set out,
teaching and proclaiming,
The Land of Enlightenment.